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Does the real technological world exploit and drive CASB?

Yes, the real technological world is driven by CASB which is also pronounced as “cas-be”. This is predominantly adopted for security purposes of managing the software applications, which in addition helps to manage and control the whole scenario of an application development. Let us peep in deep about CASB and how it has been implemented in the technology driven world.

What is a Cloud access security broker (CASB)

The Cloud access security broker (CASB) is nothing but an on-premises or a software tool that is placed between the service consumers and service providers which acts as a security, gate keeping, compliance and governing policies for cloud applications. It helps in the expansion of software’s infrastructure to the cloud. Nowadays, many organisations are tuning their choice towards these security services which encompass the risk, enforcement security policies, rules and regulations, even when these services are away from the boundaries and apart from their control. 

Why should one opt CASB?  If a client needs to opt for CASB an important reason could be to increase their confidence level for their organisations, thus these services play a vital part in cloud security, governance and data protection. The main aim of this software is to monitor unsanctioned usage and to give insight for cloud applications to use all around the cloud based platforms. This functions by ensuring the traffic among the service provider and service receiver which allows the organisation securities, policies and protection. It works with the special feature by scanning highly risk applications. CASB also aims to concentrate on IT security providing. Apart from collecting data and maintaining its security it even monitors the cloud service usage for budgeting purposes. 


The Information Technology (IT) through the cloud apps has been examined well by rapid response if any compliance, through taking risks and maintaining the business inbuilt confidential matters. The clients need exact visibility to know the governance, to check the locations, the transparency and maintenance of secrecy is a vital part of governance. 

Cloud app pioneering

This analyses the traffic logs against the cloud security apps. It is an open source tool which helps in operations, internal and external security of the software, infrastructure of it. 

Security Potentiality

The data will not be shared and leaked to any other organisations as they have implemented a Data loss prevention (DLP) tool. A traditional DLP tool will not know what data is shared, how it is shared and do not know who is sharing it.


Many companies deploy their CASBs in various modes  including API and proxy. The application programming interface (API) provides the benefit of deployment. Proxies are often used to administer the real happenings and the internal administration. Companies often choose with API deployments but as their CASB deployment deploys the control of encryption. 

Protection under threat 

The cloud based threats such as malware and ransomware should be guarded. The antimalware detection plus machine learning to detect ransomware. The client can witness the integrated workflows and infrastructure of the business.

Activity Analysis 

The activity analysis is available in various levels of aggregating by locations, endpoint type.These analysis can be easily exported eg. Splunk. 


As the software data moves to the cloud the client/ organisation needs to ensure that there is no complaint or trouble. The client should also ensure there is no leakage of secrecy, privacy and security. A CASB helps to ensure the compliance with regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 

Though there may be few challenges, the real impact had already been created in the IT sector by Cloud access security data. 

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