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How To Measure Video Performance

Information Technology Blog - - How To Measure Video Performance - Information Technology Blog

Video is no longer the future; it’s the big thing right now. According to, YouTube has more than 2 billion users worldwide and averages 1 billion hours of watched videos every day.

YouTube’s active user base is 25% of the world’s 7.8 billion population total. With the average person’s attention span lasting eight seconds, it makes sense that video is a prevalent force in the marketing world.

So how can we measure video performance? There are four important measurements that you should keep your eye on.

Play Rate

The Play Rate is broken down into this formula:

Number of times your video was Played/Number of Views the video generated = Play Rate

When a user is scrolling through the news feed and the video starts to play its preview, which generates a Play. When the user clicks on the video so they can watch it, that generates a View. It might be a little confusing, but both of these terms have a different definition in analytics, and it is important to know the difference between both of them.

Your Play Rate percentage can tell you how engaging your video content is. The higher the percentage, the more engaging it is. If you have a low Play Rate percentage, you should take the opportunity to study other videos within your field so you can figure out what you are lacking. A good place to look is the comments section, as a responsive audience will tell their creators exactly what they enjoy about the content. From there, you can produce more content with this information in mind.


The platform that you are publishing on will determine what kind of reactions you can gauge. This is a list of the most common reactions you will find:

  • Shares: The user shared your content on their page.
  • Likes: A simple thumbs up.
  • Dislike: A simple thumbs down.
  • Comments: A self-made response from the user that could be positive or negative.

Reactions give you a direct response from the user that tells you how they feel about your content. These responses can potentially attract or detract an interaction from another user that finds this response. This is the closest thing to word-of-mouth marketing you will find in the digital world. As long as your content is strong, it is a powerful tool.

Average View Duration

Average View Duration is broken down with the following formula:

Total Video Watch Time/Total Number of Plays = Average View Duration

With the Average View Duration figured out, you can average how much of your video is being watched by everyone that has Played your video. The higher the average number, the more of your video your audience has watched.

It is important to remember that your video will not have its entirety viewed on every watch. As a baseline, I recommend using half of the video’s duration. I am pretty happy when my viewers have watched at least half of my video because that means they at least got the core message that I am trying to get across. If my audience watched less than half of my video, I investigate a little further into…

Audience Retention

This graph will tell you where exactly your audience stopped paying attention to your video – whether it’s because they clicked off of it or they turned the video off. The graph will help you maximize the time you are spending on camera so you can get your message across. Some sample actions you can take includes:

  • Placing your Call to Action earlier in the video
  • Trimming the script of excess content.
  • Rewrite your script so it is more engaging.
  • Make sure your keywords are targeting the right audience.

Click-Through Rate

If you provide your audience with a Call to Action, you can measure the amount of times your audience partook in this activity with the Click-Through Rate. It is measured with this formula:

Users that activated call to action/Total Number of Plays = Click-Through Rate

This Call to Action can be any number of activities, including the following examples:

  • Signed up for your Newsletter
  • Purchased a Service or Item
  • Visited Website
  • Subscribed to Channel
  • Answered a Poll

The Click-Through Rate is important because it will show you how effective your video performance marketing is. The higher your percentage, the more users your video persuaded to take the action it asked of them.


There are plenty of tools that can help you effectively market your video to the public. As long as you are paying attention to the metrics of video performance, you should be able to come up with a strategy that will get your user base reacting exactly the way you want them to. With The Marketing Agency, we can market your video to the public and create a strategy to convert the right user to your product or service.

The post How To Measure Video Performance appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

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