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FBI Will Be Allowed to Sue People Who Use VPN and TOR to Surf the Internet

Information Technology Blog - - FBI Will Be Allowed to Sue People Who Use VPN and TOR to Surf the Internet - Information Technology Blog

Using a VPN or TOR is not a crime if you want to browse securely for business purposes and some other reasons. But accessing a website which is associated with illegal activities like crimes, the FBI can sue you for sure.

Recently a bill has been passed by the US Senate for extending elements of the Patriot Act. This legislation notably includes sections that will increase the CIA and FBI’s ability to access all your browser history legally without using a warrant.

So if you think that by using a VPN or TOR you can save yourself it is clearly wrong.

How can the FBI access your browser history?

Well, it is mentioned that they don’t need a warrant anymore to access your browser history so it is not difficult at all. For doing so they will first stop at your internet service provider. ISP can see all the sites that you visit; they keep a log of your whole traffic just for this reason. With VPN this can’t happen.

Although you can save your data by using a VPN but the FBI will not stop there for investigation. They will track down your VPN provider and will request for your logs. Many VPNs are available on the internet claim that they do not keep logs but it is not the case. Most of the VPN providers keep logs which will cost you at the end. In short, we can say that using a VPN just shifts your vulnerability from your internet service provider to the VPN provider.

All you need is a trusted source

I am not here encouraging any kind of criminal activity but using a VPN becomes necessary when you have to deal with sensitive information regarding your business. So if that is the case, use of VPN becomes mandatory. All you need is a VPN provider who does not keep the log and provides extra security against cyber-attacks.

But first, it is necessary to know what is really a VPN, and is there any alternative to a VPN? When you know this, you can handle the situation in a better way and can enhance security.

What is a VPN?

VPN is a short form of Virtual Private Network. It is software that can change your IP address to provide you extra security and will encrypt your internet traffic. A lot of business firms are using VPNs so that their employees can access confidential information privately. This is an amazing approach for keeping the online activity of a person private from government censorship, hackers and other dangers on the internet.

How does it work?

VPN providers have their servers located all around the world forming a network. When you make an internet request, before reaching the internet it goes through the VPN server. After passing through this alternate VPN server your IP address is changed. It will not only hide your identity but will also change the location of your device. It will seem like you are operating the device from a different place this way you can also access local network resources.

For instance, you can’t use Facebook in China; this site is banned by the government. So if you want to use it while you are in China, VPN can help. A VPN will connect your device to an internet server of a different country where it is allowed to use. This way you can comfortably use this application. For a better experience you can consider Surfshark VPN and to know it better have a look at the amazing review on Surfshark.


  • It offers a fast internet connection.
  • Irrespective of your graphical location you will have complete access to the internet.
  • You can control your IP address.
  • All traffic is encrypted.


  • There are chances of software failure.
  • Some quality VPNs cost money.
  • Some VPN providers keep logs of your traffic.

TOR-an alternative to VPN

TOR is a short form of “The Onion Router” which is a non-profit organization. It develops and researches online tools of privacy. It can be downloaded for any device, Windows, Mac, or Linux, etc. with the help of this browser you can keep your activity private as they will protect your identity.

How does it work?

The Tor browser moves your traffic across different TOR servers to protect your identity. After moving through these servers your data is encrypted and no one can track your activity. Its layers of privacy are like layers of an onion. These protection layers have a maze of bridges, middle relays, and end relays.


  • It is a user-friendly option.
  • It is totally free.
  • It protects your privacy.


  • You have to deal with slow speed.
  • Several web services have blocked access to TOR. You have to see a message like 404 or have to deal with the maze of CAPTCHAS.
  • It can lead to legal trouble.

What is a better option VPN or TOR?

Both these software are there to help you to protect your identity so that you can browse anonymously and safely. If you use properly VPN is a secure option. You can use the TOR browser but it is slow and you cannot access all the websites which can cause legal trouble. On the other hand, VPNs fast and all your traffic is encrypted so that you can access any site you want moreover you can control your location. All you need is to choose the right VPN and install it properly. SurfShark VPN is a better option and you can read the amazing review on SurfShark so that you can make decisions on your own.

Final Verdict

Using TOR or VPN can provide you safety so that you can browse securely but it cannot save you if you are involved in some kind of illegal and criminal activity. The FBI can access all your browsing history without any warrant. The government keeps a closer eye on TOR users, so if you are using TOR you could be marked suspicious and your activities will be monitored. But you don’t have to worry if you have done nothing wrong.

Originally posted 2020-08-27 18:15:40. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

The post FBI Will Be Allowed to Sue People Who Use VPN and TOR to Surf the Internet appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

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