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Although the larger companies would offer so much more if any cybercrime was to be aimed at them, this is unusually the case because as it states, they are large companies and businesses. This means they would have invested money, time and resources to make sure they are kept safe from these cybercrimes and cybercriminals.
This also, implies that if an attack was to be made now it will be aimed at the small and medium scale businesses. This is so, because they don’t have the resources and firewalls to withstand these cyber-attacks. Their security measures and procedures are weak and they are minimal and since that is the case, they will be more prone to these cyber-attacks than even the larger companies and businesses.
This research was further confirmed by the U.S. securities and the U.S. Exchange commission. Endpoint security software most especially the traditional ones are usually too large and too expensive for small and medium scale businesses. They are also quite complex needing a lot of technical understanding to be able to use them. Since this is not available to the small and medium scale businesses, cloud endpoint security is the best alternative for any small and medium scale businesses. The price is right and the ease of use is also right.
Understanding Cloud Endpoint Security
It is more like the guard to your systems or better imagined as the guard to your house. If you want to know what goes in and out of your house then you need a guard. If you want to know about the devices that enter and use your services through the internet then you go for cloud endpoint security. It is built for the protection of your endpoint devices and some of these devices might be mobile phones, servers, desktops, laptops, and any device that has the ability to use the internet. This is a service that you get from a body or network called the host.
They offer these protective services to your business and you are able to access and control this service through the internet. There are many hosts that provide cloud endpoint security and they also come in different quality of services. It is important for you to know that the quality of the cloud endpoint security you have is dependent on the quality of the host service you choose. There are some who are better than others. Action1 is one of the best and leading providers of cloud endpoint security and they have been providing these services to many for years. They have been able to build trust and consistency over the years and make sure they provide quality services to both the small and medium scale businesses.
Why You Should Use Cloud Endpoint Security
Here are some benefits or reasons of using cloud endpoint security:
Backups Are Automated
With cloud endpoint security, you never lose anything, nothing is ever actually deleted and whatever you think you lost, you can get it back. This is because there is always a backup of every single thing that you do. It is just like the traditional solutions where you have the ability to access some level of data and information, but this is only dependent on the number of times you back up your systems, and it has to be done by you. With cloud endpoint security, your systems and data are automatic. It has been recorded that in a year 140,000 hard drives fail and if this is the case, that’s a lot of information lost. You have to find a way to back up your data without actively backing up your data if not you would be on the sad side. Cloud endpoint security saves you all the stress as the software stores all the data and logs on their personal servers. Your hardware quality is separated from your software safety and you can always access your data even if your hardware goes bad.
Doesn’t Require Much Physical Resources.
Using cloud endpoint security, you have simply just saved your business the stress of having to deal with that part of the business. You don’t have to worry about it because, that part is taken care of by professionals who have quality resources and they work for you. When compared to in house cloud-based software where you need to be totally responsible for your own servers and require a team and thus more expenses on your business. This is so expensive because apart from the main cost of acquiring the server itself, it cost so much to even maintain it and make sure it stays working over a long period of time.
Low Upfront Commitment
This is very important especially if the business is one which is in its early stages and requires some room to breathe on its spending. If you aim to get an on-premises software for your business, you would be thinking about getting that at about $40,000. This is a lot of money to demand from a startup business, as a matter of fact, it is so much money to ask from any business except they are really large. Cloud endpoint security software costs less than this and the maintenance fee is minimal. As a matter of fact, it just requires a small monthly fee you need to pay to keep using it. They are also very easy to get started. You would not be needing to pay a full technical team like you would be needing if you get an on premise security system.
Why You Should Choose ACTION1
Action1 lets you manage your cloud endpoint security in real-time allowing you to do as much as you want on your computer from their servers anytime. You can deploy software if you need to or simply do a vulnerability assessment to tell the quality of your system telling how safe and secure such systems are.
You can make changes and simply just control your network in plain English needing, not technical skills and just a little understanding of how things work. Working with Action1 will do your business so much good. This could be the step to upgrading your business security levels beyond your imagination. Visit Action1 today at for quality and efficient service delivery.
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