Information Technology Blog - - Top 20 Tech Websites & Blogs To Follow in 2020 - Information Technology Blog
Technological advancement is not new to anyone in this fastly growing ear as it is offering something new and useful every day to mankind. Innovations take place worldwide and it becomes important to stay aware of all the latest tech trends, news, reviews, launches, and so on. And how can we create tech awareness is simply by exploring various tech blogs and websites.
A recent report revealing that around 77% of users who have internet access read blogs while 23% of users spent their time on the internet by browsing social networks or reading some content on websites. Reading blogs and websites is worth time investment for all of us. Let’s explore some of the blogs and websites which provided the best content to the readers and the opportunity to marketer and businesses to deliver their message to more people.
Gadgets lovers are familiar with this famous website as it provides fresh and unique content on recently launched gadgets. It is an online portal that provides information, guidance, and tutorials related to new gadgets like windows operating system, Apple iOS, Android, and much more.
It is a popular website among the readers as it provides the best articles to them on various niches. Articles on various categories are available on the website from where readers can choose one of their choices. They get an option like a business, culture, science, ideas, security, transportation, and many others.
Michal Arrington found it in 2005 and later in 2010 was acquired by AOL. It is considered as famous online technology blogs that provide the latest updates related to newly launched gadgets and technology. It also provides information related to many of the apps, services, products, events, and much more which has launched by Apple, Google, Microsoft, and many more.
This tech blog has around six million followers on social media, Pete Cashmore found it in 20015 with the aim to provide the best content to the reader to explore. It is one common source from where readers can get content on different niches like digital culture, entertainment, latest tech, and more.
Dwight Merriman and Kevin Ryan launched it in 2007. It is a fastest-growing site that not only provides tech articles but also provides various articles related to business. Readers can get financial, modern culture, and other vertices of different industries.
Bill Taylor and Alan Webber launched it in 1995 to provide the latest information to the readers. It provides daily news dose on the latest technology, changing design, business, and leadership.
The Verge is operated by Vox media, it is a popular technology blog for readers. Readers can explore interesting tech news, information, or review on any product at this famous site. It also avails readers with a guide related to technology so that they can know how it affects society.
Recode mainly focus on the latest news of business from Silicon Valley. It was launched by Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg in 2014 and was acquired by Vox Media in 2015. Recode promises to provide a piece of the best content on a daily basis to the readers.
Gigaom was started by Om Malik and later in 2015 acquired by Knowingly Corp. It has 6.5 million active visitors. Its main aim is to help businesses understand the importance of a mobile app development company, the latest technologies, media, and much more. It is shaping the economy of the 21st century as it introduces burning topics to the readers on Mobile apps, Cloud, data security, and the Internet of Things.
Brian Lam founded Wirecutter in 2011 and later in 2016, it was purchased by The New York Times Company. This website provides all information related to the latest gadgets and gears to the people who are confused to make the decision of purchasing the same. It helps to make the best decision for making a purchase of any of the newly launched gadgets.
Engadget is one of the best sources to find reviews and news related to the latest technology since 2004. People who visit the site can explore several features, videos, news, and reviews about the latest launched gadgets, products, services, and much more worldwide.
Also popularly known as a trembling giant was Founded by Sarah Lacy. It is one of the famous websites that provide the latest news, commentary, and analysis related to technology.
It is co-founded and edited by Eliane Fiolet, it is a popular website which posts articles and blogs related to newly released gadgets and technologies. They post includes design, pricing, comparison, and user interface related to particular gadgets which can be beneficial for readers to clear their doubts.
Since it was launched in 2005 it focuses on highlighting the greatest trends and technological advancement on the site. It covers every topic starting from lifestyle trends to digital updates to cutting-edge tech gear. It always comes up with fresh and informative content for the readers which will benefit them.
It is one of the most famous blogs that provide articles on data property and technological advancement. All the post available on the site is tenured by technology professionals. This information is useful for users to know technology impact their day to day life.
It is one of the famous websites among Apple OS lovers as it mainly focuses on Apple rumors and news. It has a huge audience base as readers are interested in gaining knowledge related to newly launched products and technologies.
Julie Strietelmeier launched it to provide informative content to the readers. The post of the site includes reviews and news related to the latest gadgets, smartphones, geek toys, and much more. It also lets readers know why they have to shift to a particular product or service.
It has one of the biggest Android communities from all over the globe. It mainly features articles that share news and reviews related to the app, smart gadgets, mobile phones, and technology. If the reader wants to learn Android technology then it is one of the proven sources.
It provides the latest updates in technology. It caters to all the information including news from IT professionals, latest release and decisions made by IT professionals, technology and much more which help readers to make accurate decisions.
It is a popular website that connects readers with the technology community. All the articles posted on the websites explain how important is technology for transforming business. It also helps businesses to know how they can make their business activities effortless and productive. Technology Blog
Of course, we might be a little biased as we list our very own Technology Blog, a portal to several of our other favorite Tech Website and Blogs and a collection of articles that we’ve found to be useful for a variety of visitors, both beginners and experts alike. Our articles are typically focused on software recommendations, business, security, interesting topics and search engine optimization and marketing.
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The list of websites and blogs doesn’t end here. There are main more available on the web which readers and businesses can explore to know all about the latest technology trends, gadgets, gears, and much more. All these websites and blogs are launched with the aim to make people understand how useful and helpful the latest trend and technology is and how it makes their life much easier and simple.
The post Top 20 Tech Websites & Blogs To Follow in 2020 appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

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